Children with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of: Autism Spectrum Disorder PDD / PDD-NOS Asperger’s Syndrome AD/HD, ADD, AD/HD LDs including dyslexia Apraxia and Dyspraxia Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Fragile X, ACC, Rett Syndrome Global Developmental Delay Speech language delay Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Tourette syndrome Anxiety and Mood disorders Do you have more questions about biomedical…
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Biomedical Treatment
Biomedical treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD takes a functional approach to treatment. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes what is referred to as classical autism, regressive autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and PDD. To simplify, I will refer to these developmental disorders as ASD or autism. I realize that these disorders present differently but as you read through…
Read MoreAutism Research Update
Viva Magazine: Holiday 2009 issue Autism Spectrum Disorder: Uncovering new research Written by: Dr. Sonya Doherty, N.D., Defeat Autism Now! practitioner This year, 1 in every 150 children will receive the devastating diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The language, social and cognitive skills that so many parents take for granted in their typically developing children, will be…
Read MoreUnderstanding “Autistic” Behaviours A Biomedical perspective
Viva Magazine Written by: Dr. Sonya Doherty, N.D., Defeat Autism Now! practitioner Recent research suggests that autism is not simply a mental health issues but rather a complicated neurobiological disorder. This new research creates the opportunity for new treatments to help deal with common behavioural concerns commonly seen in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Stereotypic or…
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