Autism treatment improves social skills:
Treatment of social skills in autism results improved quality of life. Social impairments in autism are caused by methylation impairments and damage to the G proteins in the cell membrane. As the puzzle of the medical aspects of autism unfold, it is becoming more and more apparent that there is altered visual processing involved significantly impacting delayed social development in autism.
The first step to being social is being able to process visual information. Children diagnosed with autism have impaired visual processing leading to delays in social skills. Our combined clinical experience reveals that treatment of the core medical issues in autism dramatically improve eye contact, visual integration, social interaction and social skills.
From a medical perspective, visual processing in autism is impaired because of changes in the cell membrane. Leading theories on why the cell membrane is different in autism include the cell danger response, immunoexcitotoxicity and damage to G proteins. Dr. Meg Megson published an article about damaged G proteins and her use of the cis form of vitamin A in cod liver oil to improve social skills in autism.

The reason Dr. Megson’s repair of the G protein is such an important biomedical treatment for social skills is that it allows the brain to process and integrate visual information. The brain uses 40% of its energy at any given time to process, organize and store visual information. Most parents report that the first symptoms of autism have to do with a change in vision or visual processing. Treatment of social skills in autism requires addressing visual processing impairments.

Frequent examples of impaired social skills include:
- Lack of eye contact
- Not being responsive
- Decreased awareness of surroundings
- Side glancing
- Looking at objects at odd angles
- Stimming or self-stimulating behaviour in front of eyes
- Visual stimming
- Lining things up
- Rocking back and forth
- Spinning
- Looking at objects closely
- Difficulty focusing
Increased energy for visual processing created by treatment of visual processing impairments results in significant changes in responsiveness, awareness, eye contact and social skills.
Cod liver oil contains omega 3 fatty acids needed for the treatment of social skill deficits in autism:
The most important aspect of using cod liver oil for autism treatment of social skills is the natural form of vitamin A. Cod liver oil also contains essential fatty acids that help social interaction. Brain chemicals are important for social interaction and these chemical messengers need to be “packed” with good fats like omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids contain both EPA and DHA. These compounds help to regulate inflammation, oxidative stress and neurotransmission.
Mitochondria use essential fatty acids like omega 3s to make the energy that powers every cell in the body. For this reason, children diagnosed with autism require high levels of good fats in their diet and via supplements.
Social skills and interaction improves with treatment using methyl B12 injections:
Much of children’s social development depends on the brain chemical dopamine. Dopamine is as a messenger molecule in the brain, and plays a role in memory, learning, and social interaction. It also helps to control our movements. The methylation and folate cycles work together to produce serotonin and dopamine. Dopamine regulation also depends on serotonin. A working methylation cycle will significantly improve social skills in autism and the best way to support this critical process is treatment with methyl B12 injections.
The gut produces over ninety percent of the body’s serotonin. Microbes like yeast disrupt gut function by altering the balance of flora in addition to depleting nutrients like B6. The amino acid tyrosine converts to dopamine with the help of co-factors including B vitamins.
A “paleo” or “modified ketogenic” dietary intervention improves gut function, support methylation and enhances production of dopamine.
What other treatments can help repair the cell membrane and improve social skills in autism?
The 4 PILLARS PROTOCOL helps to repair and support cell membrane and mitochondrial function:
Carnitine is another important transport molecule on the cell membrane. It is uniquely sensitive to toxic insults as well. Carnitine shuttles essential fatty acids into the cell so that the mitochondria can turn them into energy. Once supported, the G proteins and the carnitine shuttle help the cell membrane function improve. Improved production of ATP and cell membrane function improves social skills in autism. Treatment of visual processing impairments results in dramatic changes in eye contact , social interest and interaction and even focus and attention.
Mixed tocopherols are the eight different forms of vitamin E which is fat soluble. Vitamin E helps to protect the cell membrane by buffering the impact of damage from toxins like yeast, clostridia and heavy metals. A damaged cell membrane dumps “shredded” fats bombarding the mitochondria leading to less energy production. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell and autism symptoms significantly improve when energy production improves.
The cell membrane is made up of phohsphatidylcholine which is a product of the methylation cycle. Two compounds require fifty percent of the resources from the methylation cycle and one of those is phosphatidylcholine. The most important biomedical treatment for methylation is B12 injections but a supplement containing phosphatidycholine allows more energy from methylation to support development.
Omega 6 contains GLA, which is very important to help maximize your child’s motor skills – both gross motor and fine motor skills. GLA helps improve language, articulation, clarity and gut motility for children with fecal loading). GLA is most effective when combined with high dose B6 – which is in Spectrum Complete / Spectrum Solutions products. If you are using another high dose multi-vitamin, you may need to add additional B6 to maximize benefit of GLA.
In summary:
Social skills improve with treatment of autism. Treating visual processing impairments improves social interaction and social skills in children diagnosed with autism by using safe and effective treatments. When cod liver oil, methyl B12 injection and diet are used to repair cell membrane function children experience enhanced awareness, responsiveness and improved play skills.