It is a few sleeps away from Autism Awareness Day. I want to write a blog that will update the thousands of children and families touched by autism. It is 5 am. I am a little punchy. Those of you who know me know that I am not an early riser. So why am I up at 5 am? I am the victim of a 3 hour time difference between home and the West coast where I am currently attending my 3rd Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs conference. A conference that draws doctors from all over the world together for the effective treatment of those on the autism spectrum. These doctors listen, learn, teach, dialogue with other doctors on best methods. They are all here for the same reason; a commitment to knowing every aspect of biomedical treatment for autism spectrum disorders.
Undoubtedly, Autism Awareness Day, will witness posts about acceptance and inclusiveness. Facebook will be filled with emotional stories and quotes about how autism is impacting people all over the world. In ways both incredible and difficult. I am sure thousands will post and comment on the 30% rise in autism in the last 2 years. I am not going to write about these things. I have been working with children with autism for 10 years. I have been catapulted past unconditional acceptance and feel love and deep respect for the children and parents who embark on a new way of treatment, with me as their guide. It is a huge paradigm shift to move away from autism as a mental health issue and start following the mounting research that is showing autism is medical issue. With medical treatments that treat and reverse many symptoms. Parents, educators, physicians and therapists are beginning to see that chronic sleep deprivation, bowel pain and sensory issues decrease a child’s ability to learn. When medically treated, children progress. The results are significant, consistent and make a significant difference in developmental skills.
The doctors at the MAPS training know that there are medical aspects to autism that when assessed and treated can have a dramatic impact on a child’s life. I believe, after working with thousands of children, that sensory issues are painful. And that the 90% of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience discomfort every day. The sessions today will review the pathology of gut disorders and their impact on development. I will learn more detail today about how toxicity is dramatically changing the course of development for many children.
And over and over, we hear about how methyl B12 injections can help. In different ways, for different underlying issues, supporting the methylation pathway helps improve social, cognitive and language in children with autism.
My sessions started off yesterday with a review of how a child’s brain and nervous system are formed. About how sensitive this process is to toxins like PCBs in pesticides and heavy metals like lead. And how methyl B12 injections and methyl folate can help.
Later in the day, I learned about seizures and that up to 80% of children with ASD have seizure like activity. And that methyl B12 and methyl folate can help.
Today we will cover a long list of chemicals and toxins that require glutathione to be detoxified. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and toxins damage decrease it in two ways. One is straight depletion. The other is damaging the methylation cycle that produces it. Guess what helps make glutathione? Methyl B12 and methyl folate. Guess what isn’t toxic at all? Methyl B12 and methyl folate.
At the MAPS conference in Tampa last year, I had the opportunity to sit with the doctor who injected the first child with methyl B12. The result? Dr. Neubrander’s patient was talking more. The child’s parents couldn’t wait to share the language changes. The rest of the autism world couldn’t wait to see if their children could benefit. And guess what? They did. In high numbers. With great consistency. I ran into Dr. Neubrander yesterday and he said that it continues to be the most consistent treatment for autism in terms of language, social and cognitive gains.
I feel emotional today. I always do at these conferences. Many of the doctors that are here are here because they have a child on the spectrum(some with more than one child). Ten years ago, I would never have thought that I would need biomedical treatment for my child. I had no idea that the people lecturing and sitting next to me would have answers that my child would need. It is emotional to hear Dr. Neubrander talk about that first B12 trial. Our son needs methyl B12 and methyl folate everyday. With it, he is catching up after a developmental regression following a surgical procedure for a severe birth defect. A male birth defect recently linked to toxicity and one that’s increased prevalence parallels that of autism. Without his “bum shots” and biomedical regime, we hear instant feedback from our daycare provider. Texts like “Not as many words today, did you forget his shot?” Or “Circle time was too loud for him today, I think his belly is hurting”
I am headed down to my sessions today. I am a sponge. I am here to absorb everything because each thing I learn will help one child or many children feel better. And when children with autism feel better, they begin to build a bridge to the outer world that they can rely on. A world that isn’t filled with pain and discomfort.
Repairing the methylation cycle with injection therapy is one of the most consistent ways to help children feel better. Methyl B12 shots improve development in children with autism, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and OCD.