Brain Fuel was developed by Dr. Sonya Doherty in conjunction with her sister, a biomedical toxicologist and naturopathic doctor specializing in fertility treatment. The Brain Fuel ingredients are based on the most recent research on essential fatty acids and development.
Brain Fuel is used to promote language, social and cognitive development for children with autism, PDD, Asperger’s Syndrome, OCD, TS, ADD and ADHD. It combines fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, and K) with high levels of EPA, DHA with a small amount of GLA. Brain Fuel is in a phosopholipid base that increases effectiveness.
High levels of EPA are used to promote focus, attention and processing of information. High EPA also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and studies have identified that inflammation plays a huge role in contributing to autism and ADD, ADHD. High DHA is used for visual development and cognitive function. This blend of essential fatty acids also combines GLA to address motor planning issues for children with developmental concerns. GLA is essential to promote language development and is the active ingredient in omega 6 fatty acids.
Fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin K have all been used individually to promote development including enhancing speech language, social, cognitive and behavioural development. Phospholipids make up the bilayer that surrounds all of the cells in our body. Communication between the inside and the outside of this cell membrane can be disrupted by environmental toxins, metals, viruses, bacteria and yeast. A comprehensive essential fatty acid support should be part of every child’s biomedical treatment. In fact, most naturoapthic physicians recommend that children begin supplementing with a safe and toxin free fish oil at 6 months. Development of the digestive tract, the immune system and visual development rely heavily on the fats found in fish oil. Vitamin A, D, E and K are also crucial to healthy development.
Brain Fuel combines these important fat soluble nutrients in a phopholipid base that is uniquely suited to address autism, PDD, Asperger’s, ADD, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, OCD and anxiety. This unique essential fatty acid support is made by Douglas Laboratories and distributed by the Natural Care Clinic.
To learn more about the use of essential fatty acids like omega 3 fish oils and omega 6 fatty acids, visit
Other benefits of supplementing with Brain Fuel include:
- Supporting healing of the digestive tract
- Improving eye contact
- Decreasing visual “stims”
- Decreasing hyperactivity
- Promoting healthy sleep
- Regulating immune function
- Decreasing symptoms of seasonal allergies and asthma
- Improving skin health especially for children with eczema