Recommended Testing

A functional medicine approach to autism treatment means evaluating each child on an individual basis. While some treatments benefit many children, it is important to understand as much as possible about each child’s system.

Everybody has unique biochemistry and physiology. In autism and AD/HD there are underlying weaknesses that when identified through testing, can be corrected. Individualized testing and treatment translates into enhanced development for the majority of children undergoing biomedical treatment.

Frequently recommended tests:

  • IgG Food Allergy: identifies foods that are creating inflammation in your child’s system
  • Organic Acid Testing: 65 different tests to identify underlying weaknesses in biochemistry or physiology
  • Metabolic Screen: to identify markers of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Heavy metal assessment via stool, blood, urine or hair
  • Glutathione assessment: glutathione is the body’s chief detoxifier and antioxidant
  • Amino Acids
  • Liver enzymes and kidney function
  • Vitamin A and D
  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis: identifies yeast, parasites, strep overgrowth, digestive enzyme function as well as testing for beneficial bacteria and susceptibility of pathogenic microbes to treatment
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Urinary peptides: to identify inadequate breakdown of gliadin and casein
  • Methylmalonic Acid (MMA): tests intracellular B12 deficiency
  • Serum B12: often high in children with ASD
  • Ferritin and iron levels
  • Thyroid function including antibodies
  • Plasma zinc and serum copper
  • Cholesterol and fatty acids

Working in conjunction with your MD or specialist, some of the above tests will be covered by OHIP. Many tests are not covered because they are run through specialty laboratories. Some of the laboratories include:

Great Plains Laboratory
